Instructor: Christena Durost

A HUD-approved webinar for HECM counselor continuing education.

Property issues are an important part of HECM counseling, Does the borrower’s manufactured home meet FHA requirements? How can you find out if their condo project is FHA-approved? What kinds of repairs might be required before your client can get their loan? What property issues might make the house ineligible? What if the borrower has a very large acreage attached to their property — how might that affect eligibility or valuation? What if the borrower has been renting out their home on AirBnB? These are some of the questions we’ll discuss, along with many more.

Thursday, March 21, 2024
10:00 – 11:30 AM
(1:00-2:30 PM Eastern)


Call 971-207-7820
or complete the form below for more information.

Registration and Payment (2 steps)

STEP 1: Registration

STEP 2: Payment

Property Eligibility Webinar

NOTE: A PayPal account is not required. To register without a PayPal account, click on the credit card icons. After entering your credit card details, UN-check the box where it says to save info and create a PayPal account. You may register more than one counselor from your agency with one payment ($80 per attendee) by selecting the number of registrations you are purchasing. DON’T FORGET TO ALSO COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM, including names of all participants and their email addresses.


Once you send the registration form and your payment has processed, you are registered for the class. Participants will receive an email with the Zoom link at least one day prior to the course.

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